Annual Camp Events

  • Campers ArriveFriday, 8am. You’ll be able to find your cabins and begin to unload. Your home away from home for a few short days awaits!
  • Drop off Silent Auction itemsFriday, Piatt Lodge 8:30-11:30am. We hope you’ve been saving old craft supplies and no longer needed tools, treasures and treats. We use these to raise funds for our beloved 4-H Memorial Camp.
  • Instructors Only – Friday, 9:30-10am (sharp!), Instructor Check-in & Craft Basket Donation collection
  • Registration & Craft Sign-upFriday, 11am-1pm. This is also when you can start to set up your sewing spots, if needed.
  • Jean’s Silent Auction Friday/Saturday Our generous group of volunteers will tag, organize and set up for viewing and bidding.
  • First Time Camper’s TeaFriday, 1pm. Whether you’re new to camp or just curious, come learn about our group, the camp and the space around us.
  • Camp T-Shirt & Tote Painting Party (and Name Tags too) – Friday, 7 pm. Relax, create and just enjoy.
  • Bonfire with S’more Charcuterie! – Friday, 8:30pm Always weather permitting and always joyful, this year camp staff is setting up a gourmet option for our marshmallow melting pleasure!
  • PAJAMA DAY! – Last year’s theme was so fun that we decided to make Saturday, our first full day of camp, even MORE relaxing. Wear your Gnome onesie, foot jammies or simply your most comfortable outfit to ease on in to our first day of camp.
  • Silent Auction endscome pick up your treasures!
  • Show & Tell – Saturday, 7pm. What have you been working on, what did you finish, what did you learn, what made your project you’re showing us interesting to you! Let’s share and rejoice in the journey as well as the finished product!
  • Game NightSaturday, 8pm. Always a fun way to wind down at the end of our first day together.
    • SUNDAY
    • Apron Day It’s that simple. Wear an apron. Whether it’s your favorite cover, an heirloom piece or a silly/funny apron – break it out and throw it on for the day. Always a good laugh and conversation starter!
  • Sunday Inspirational Time, Piatt Lodge “The Power of Prayer” – Sunday, 8:45am
  • Name That Theme! Submit your ideas by lunch on Sunday
  • Volunteer Planning Committee Annual MeetingSunday, 1pm Piatt Lodge. Join us!
  • Decorated Name Tag Contest Sunday, 4pm
  • Table Decorating Contest Sunday, 4pm. Each year tables are decorated using an interpretation of the Camp theme. And this year there will be TROPHIES!
  • Craft Basket RaffleSunday, at mealtime. Will you be the winner?
  • Quilt RaffleSunday, at mealtime. Once of our most successful fundraisers for the camp is the raffled of a donated work of art from one of our campers (or group of campers). Try your luck and you could be going home with the camp quilt this year!
  • 50% off of next year’s camp fee Raffle for Teachers (1 person total) – Sunday, announced at mealtime
  • 50% off of next year’s camp fee Raffle for New Camper/Camper who brought them (2 persons total) – Sunday, announced at mealtime
  • Skit Night/Open Mic NightSunday, 7pm. Bring your favorite joke, a skit you remember, your favorite musical instrument or just a funny story and share. Why? Because we know our Homemaker’s Got Talent!
  • T-Shirt Design Contest

  • Wagon Ride (weather permitting)
  • Yarn Art & Knitting Nook, Puzzles with my Gnomies, Conversation Station
  • Other Activities Available: based on weather and Camp staff availability include Wagon rides, archery, boating and fishing.
  • Allerton Park walking tours and self guided tours are available and always so informative.